Automatic sync keep your database in your favorite cloud or offline. I'm using the KeePass/dropbox combo with a long passphrase these days though as I've decided that its more secure than the notebook and I can put more explicit information in there (and files), though it is somewhat nerdy so I still recommend the paper notebook for people like my mother. It delivers the security of KeePass with a clean, easy to use interface. This is the password that you will need in order to enter the database when you open the file, so make sure its memorable but unique. LastPass ofrece más funciones de forma gratuita que prácticamente cualquier otro gestor de contraseñas. Choose a place on your local drive to save the. You can store all your passwords in one database. Click on the File tab at the top of the window, and select New. In fact I've recently moved away from the notebook for myself because I felt that if somebody breaks into my residence and takes that notebook (not all thieves are ignorant of how valuable a password book is, especially when this contains banking passwords) then all is lost. KeePass is a free open source password manager, which helps you to manage your passwords in a secure way. I used a natty paper notebook for years and in fact I borrowed this method from my mother who seems to feel guilty that she writes this stuff down but I try and reassure her that its ok.